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kvalitetsgaranti certifierad enligt ISO 17100
Übersetzung in alle Sprachen


This data protection declaration refers to the collection and use of personal data. This data may be collected when you visit our website or when you submit an enquiry via our website. Please rest assured that protection of your personal data is a top priority for us and we will handle all information entrusted to us as part of our offers, sales and services with great care.

In order to meet your requirements, e.g. to obtain a quote, only the data needed for this pre-contractual information will be requested and collected. This will include your name, telephone number and email address. The data may also be used to track customer behaviour patterns and website use in order to further develop and improve our website.  

If you do not place an order after making an enquiry, your data and any uploaded files will be automatically deleted from our system after 30 days.

Our employees have signed a binding confidentiality agreement in which they agree not to make any reference to information they receive as part of their translation work and not to duplicate, copy or publish this information or to pass it on to third parties in any other way.

Om du har fler frågor kring våra dataskyddsregleringar är du välkommen att kontakta oss via e-post.

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